With the propensity of Canadians to spend hours puttering in their gardens, it’s no surprise that nurseries and garden centers continue to flourish even through economic ups and downs. Why? People love the way their gardens and landscapes look after a trip to the garden center. The annual Victoria Day binge of planting, hoeing, weeding and watering is a right of passage for a lot of Canadians and a welcome sign that summer is really here or at least right around the corner.
But what do you do if you’re either unable to get outside to create the burst of summer in your garden due to illness, disability, age, or just that you’re too darned busy to get it done? Or worse, you are intimidated by the vast array of annuals, perennials, flowering shrubs, trees and soil conditioners on the market? Maybe you’ve just moved into your home and are overwhelmed by the sheer number of plants already in your garden and just don’t know where to start?
That’s where our Maintenance Division comes in. We’re knowledgeable on plant characteristics, their appropriate positioning in the garden, and believe it or not, we can actually understand the Latin terms often used in plant labeling. We know the difference between “Alba” and “Purpae” and are happy to share our knowledge with you. We sheepishly admit to being able to identify a plant emerging after winter when it’s only a cm or two out of the ground. That’s where our experience shines. We are happy to either help you with a plan to get your gardens looking great, boost your home’s curb appeal, or create an Oasis in your back yard. If things have gotten out of control, and we know it happens, we’ll help tame that wild jungle that seems to have sprung up virtually overnight. Weed identification, insect and disease control, and all things gardening are yours for the asking.
Best of all, we’ll give you 30 minutes of free advice! That’s right… 30 minutes absolutely FREE! Arrange a NO Obligation Visit, or submit a question to “Ask the Gardener“. If you who wish to turn that consultation into a project, you can rest assured that we have the experience, creativity, and energy needed to make your outdoor dreams come to life.
We are plant people and have the roots in the industry to prove it. 40 years of experience has taught us a thing or two about gardens, plants and landscapes. Put us to work or pick our brains. We’re here to help!